Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cupcake Flavors That Should Exist

These aren't cupcakes that you can find at your local bakery, but they should be!

1. Name: He's Just Not That Into You
    Flavor: Wedding Cake - topped with buttercream frosting
    Perfect time to enjoy: Right after the guy of your dreams (or so you thought) breaks your heart. Not only will this cupcake flavor help mend your broken heart when you feel like all your hopes and dreams are crushed, but it will also help you realize that there may be a better guy out there who will make all those hopes and dreams come true. Spoiler alert: he's out there.
2. Name: Finals Week
    Flavor: Nutty Buddy - chocolate nutty buddy frosting, filled with a peanut butter filling, topped with chocolate frosting, and garnished with a peanut butter drizzle and nutty buddies on top
    Perfect time to enjoy: The most stressful time in any college students life...finals week. If you're anything like me, it'd be nice during midterms, too.

3. Name: I Just Ran 3 Miles and Don't Want the Extra Calories
    Flavor:  Gluten Free Cherry Almond - cherry almond cake, topped with sugar-free cherry frosting and garnished with almonds)
    Perfect time to enjoy: Because both of those are healthy right? When you're being the good girl who goes to the gym while the rest of us go to McDonalds, but still needs a little something to satisfy her sweet tooth.

4. Name: Netflix
    Flavor: Red Velvet - filled with a cool whip cream cheese filling, topped with cream cheese frosting, with a cute little Netflix logo on top
    Perfect time to enjoy: Because Red Velvet is always a go-to flavor, just like Netflix is a go-to time filler.

6. Name: I had an 8 a.m.
    Flavor: Snickers - chocolate Snickers cake, filled with caramel, then topped with chocolate frosting and garnished with a Carmel drizzle and crushed Snickers
    Perfect time to enjoy: When you slept late and missed breakfast or, more importantly, Starbucks. Snickers are suppose to control hunger right? At least the sugar high will help.

While these goofy flavors technically do not exists, I'd bet you can find a mighty close recipe on Pinterest. You could even try whipping up a version of them yourself. Leave a comment below and let us know what your favorite cupcake flavor is!

- Ashley

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