Monday, September 16, 2013

Living in a Sorority House

Believe me when I say, the last place I ever wanted to live was in a house with 65 other girls. I never saw myself living in any type of all girls establishment, but after living in one for about a month now, I cannot begin to explain to joy I get from living here.

Living in the sorority house, has made me realize how many girls I may not have made friendships with if I had chosen to get an apartment. For the most part, we all get along extremely well and enjoy each other's company. There are always girls in the dining room studying, rummaging the kitchen pantry for food before our house mom locks the kitchen for the night, or a group having a Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathon in the TV room. So many of us have become better friends from just being able to walk into another girls room and talk about random things. 

You know I have to bring this up. THE FOOD IS SO GOOD. It's like having a homemade meal right in front of you without actually having to cook it. What is better than that? Not to mention, everyone in the chapter comes for lunch and dinner. Fried Fridays?? You don't have to tell me twice. 

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the fact that I have 60 other closets to raid when I need something to wear. What sorority girl do you know that is completely satisfied with her clothes in her closet?? Exactly. 

Another fabulously convenient thing about living in the house is rush workshop. I will admit, I would rather sleep until the very last minute and look not so great. (I mean my sisters have to love me regardless, right?!) Anyways, I loved being able to legitimately roll out of bed, throw some yogas and a T-shirt and go down stares three minutes before roll call. 

Obviously, every school is different. Some don't have sorority houses to live in, but if your school does, make sure and live in the house! 

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