Friday, September 20, 2013

Sorority Newsletter Ideas

As Correspondence chair of my sorority I am responsible for writing monthly newsletters to the chapter. As I have gone through my time as Correspondence chair I have picked up a number of ideas on newsletter making.

Pick a newsletter development platform:
Two of my favorites are Mailchimp and Microsoft Publisher. Use Mailchimp if you want kind of an e-newsletter format that anyone can subscribe to. It has a pretty simple to learn and use format and up to 2,000 people can join your list which is perfect for any chapter. Use Microsoft Publisher if you are making newsletters with multiple pages of information. I use Microsoft Publisher to make all my newsletters.

What to put in your newsletter:
Newsletters are the perfect way to keep your chapter up to date with what is going on with the chapter. Here are a couple of ideas on what to include in your sorority newsletter:
1. Sister Spotlights: If you have a particularly big sisterhood, or even a smaller one sisterhood spotlights are great! You can just include facts about their hometown, major/minor, why they chose to Go Greek, their favorite memory of Greek life, and an interesting fact about them.
2. Stories about sorority happenings: I got my sisters to write small articles about our sisterhood and submit creative works to the newsletter that they wrote about the sorority.
3. Question of the month: To get more input from sisters I asked a question each month and asked my sisters to send in responses. I tried to make them themed to the month we were in and ended up being a super cool thing.
4. Pictures: I usually make a two page spread with just pictures on it. I use all kinds of pictures from all the months happenings. If their is a sisterhood, a picture is up. Recruitment? Tons of pictures. Just show your sorority doing awesome things.

Distributing the newsletter:
I wanted to make the newsletter viewable to more than just my sisterhood. From alumnae to potential new members--newsletters are the perfect way to show what your sisterhood is made of. I use a site called Scribd to share my newsletters. It allows me to share them publicly to everyone--anyone can download them and print them off if they please, but I don't distribute copies of them in meetings.

If you would like to see some of my newsletters click here, they are all on Scribd and anyone can view them.

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