Friday, January 3, 2014

Getting Involved on Campus

On campus there are a ton of clubs ranging from renaissance to campus events. Which one do you want to be apart of? As a new student, especially to a small campus like Kutztown's, I knew I needed to get involved if I wanted to truly enjoy everything on my campus and I definitely think it's safe to say I did. Since starting at Kutztown University in Fall 2011, I have held numerous leadership roles within Association of Campus Events, my sorority, United Greek Council, College Panhellenic Council and our Student Union Advisory Board. I also work at the Information Desk for my school.
By being involved in so many different clubs, I have learned so many leadership skills. I know how much work load I can handle, especially with my school work. I know how to make time to work on the many different activities I do and how to use my Lilly Pulitzer planner to the best of my ability. Finally, what I think is more important than all of them, is that I have such a wide variety of friends from so many different groups. 
This is a huge networking opportunity and many people don't realize this when they go to college. Everyone thinks "I need to go to school, study, work hard, make friends, and sometimes... party harder." Throughout my college experience, my favorite thing has been getting involved and some people might say I am overly involved, but hey, I am never bored and when I am, I have no idea what to do with myself.
Word of advice: get involved as much as you can or as much as your schedule allows you to. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing that you helped people create a huge campus event that was successful, or creating a club that you got five people to join! Those are five people who you may have never met if it wasn't for something you all shared in common and came together for! Everyone needs to look on the brighter side of things and realize that these could be resume builders and really affect you later and life in positive ways. You never know, you could really enjoy it. 

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