Friday, August 8, 2014

Health and Fitness

They just don't!
Our girl Elle said it best
A Food Journal:
It may seem like a far fetched idea, or something that will take up way to much time, but it's not! I just went to Target and picked up a really cute small journal. Inside on each page I have written the date, calories, carbs, protein, fat, and sugar at the top. Now here's the hardest part: write down everything you eat. Everything. This isn't to say you need to have X amount of calorie intake a day, it's just to keep you aware of what you're putting into your body. The first day I did this I nearly cried at the end of the day. I was eating and drinking so much I swear I could have fed an army.
Do it for yourself
Measure Your Food:
I know it doesn't sound like fun, but it really will help. Serving sizes tend to be a lot smaller than the actual amount we eat and that's a problem. If you measure your food, not only will it be easier to log, but it will also continue to keep you aware of what, and how much is really being consumed.
The skinny rules...
Don't Be Cardio-Exclusive:
I am so tired of seeing girls in the gym spending hours upon hours on cardio machines. Yes, cardio is great for you and you should do at least 30 minutes a few times a week, but cardio alone is not going to make you lose dress sizes quickly. Think about adding in two to three strength training sessions a week. It's a proven fact that you will lose inches faster through strength training than cardio alone. This is because strength training promotes muscle growth and muscle burns more calories than fat. So, grab some dumbbells and get to stepping!
Don't Over Exert Yourself:
The biggest concern when starting a new weight loss program is going too hard, too fast. I remember when I first started running cross country in high school, my first day I tried to keep up with my friends. Those friends had been running for years and did races on the regular, none the less. My advice is to slow your roll at first. You only have to focus on yourself and what your body can handle. If that means starting from the bottom, so what?! You have to start somewhere and, lets be real, at least you're doing something. 
Also, don't forget to stretch. Not only is it important to keep your muscles flexible so they can recuperate faster, it will also give you a leg up in yoga and other trendy exercise routines.
Be Realistic:
If you're trying to lose weight you need to remember that you didn't gain that weight in a day, so you won't loose it in a day either. Give your body time to adjust to the changes you're making and keep in mind that you are perfect the way you are. Love yourself. If you do it will be easier to do this for yourself. The realistic weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Remember that. The same goes for if you're just trying to be healthier. Any result takes time, so be patient and keep pushing.
Need A Little Motivation?
Now go eat a celery stick!
-Ashely Wewers 

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these ideas! I am definitely going to make more of an effort to try and eat cleaner this year. :)



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