Friday, October 11, 2013

Big/Little Reveal

It's that time of the year!  Recruitment is finally over, and you've spent the past couple of weeks getting know the new members in your chapter.  You've selected your favorite new member as your little, and now it's time for reveal!  Seriously, this is my favorite part of the year.  I have a few great ideas for reveal that I hope you'll love!

At the Epsilon Gamma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma, we do reveal by leaving hints for our new members.  They follow the trail of hints to a certain room, where all of their Kappa family is happily waiting!  My family's theme is the yacht club, so we do nautical themed hints!  When our newest additions arrive, they will see nautical themed decor and attire in the room.

Some sororities do reveal by leaving costumes for their littles, and then changing into matching costumes.  The bigs will wait in one area, while the littles change.  Once they are in their costumes, they run to where their bigs are to see who they match with.  My roommates' sorority does this, and it sounds like a lot of fun!  If you don't want to do costumes,you can also do matching shirts!

Another cute reveal idea I've seen is wrapping the bigs up like presents and letting the littles unwrap them.  It's like Christmas in October.  Plus, it's quick and easy!

What does your sorority do for reveal?

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