Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Breaking Sorority Sterotypes

Everyone thinks of all of sorority girls as Lilly Pulitzer loving, crazy partiers, bows, crafters, and most of all boy crazy women. I have always wanted to be in a sorority since I was little, thinking about all of the women, having a family away from home and having a bond that is indescribable to most people. "From the outside looking in, you can never understand it. From the inside looking out, you can never explain it." This amazing quote says so much to us as sorority women but how do we prove it to those looking in from the outside?Breaking these stereotypes is something as Greek women and as a Greek life we need to do. We need to prove to the community that we are the exceptional people we think we are and prove them wrong that the drunken, slutty, no studying and party hard days are just in the movies… or at least not what they see. We want to keep everything on the down low and shine a bright light on the outstanding things our sisters and sorority do for philanthropy.
Within our philanthropies, we help children, animal shelters, and different cure foundations all around the United States. It is something to be proud of and advertise like crazy all around campus. Make shirts, banners, posters, announcements of any kind to promote your sorority in a positive way.
The best way to break sorority stereotypes is to always wear your letters in a positive way. Dress up, look nice and wear your letters, the idea seems like such a simple idea but you have no idea how many girls dress like sloppy messes in sweatpants. Another thing to remember when wearing your letters is to WATCH WHAT YOU SAY! Oh, you went out partying this weekend, hate a girl in another sorority and oh you decided to smoke a joint? Well did you know that all of the people around you are listening, watching, and observing you and all they see are Greek letters on your chest saying this ridiculous nonsense? When wearing your letters talk about positive things and promote what you stand for and love your sisters, do not talk about one another in a negative way.

You are always wearing your letters whether or not you’re in them. Being a positive role model and standing above and beyond what the non- Greeks  do and think is something we have to strive to do. Even though this is a super tiny thing to do, it could make a huge difference in the views everyone has on your sorority and Greek Life.
Here is a picture of me and my best friend at a baseball game. You could still be friends with other people in other sororities and still uphold a good outlook. We had a great day at a baseball game and didn't talk trashy or make others look at us. Yes, we had our letters on. Yes, we are apart of Greek life, but no matter where you are you need to watch what you say because you never know who is listening.

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