Monday, December 30, 2013

How to Make Awesome New Years Resolutions

Hanging out with friends talking about all the amazing memories you have made and all the many many more you will make for the upcoming year. Celebrating with friends and popping a bottle of champagne to ring in the new year. It isn't all about what has come out of this past year, it is mostly about what you want to change or improve for the following year. Weight, love, friend relationships, dietary, studies, being a better you and so many other things are the different new years resolutions people usually make.

Making these resolutions are only half of the challenge. Here are some of the top resolutions: spending time with family and friends, getting fit, quit smoking, enjoying life more, get out of debt, learn something new, help others, and get organized. Thankfully most of this list I am ok on but I know myself and the whole “working out thing” is NOT me. I do feel well.. ok looking in the mirror but there is definitely some room for improvement considering the fact I eat nothing but junk and can’t tell you the last time I have stepped into a gym… and not just to look at the guys and people watch.

The one and only way to stick with whatever awesome new years resolution is, is to keep focused and make reminders. Sticky notes, inspirational pictures, friends who support you in whatever you are doing. Make an inspiration board for yourself. Mine would be of beautiful fit women, and someone else's could be of DIY stuff to do throughout the year. We make our own future and our own year. If we truly wanted to complete our resolution within the new year, the only person stopping you from doing it is you. Get out of your own head and chase after you goal, seriously run towards it and don’t stop. The moment you hesitate or think about stopping everything will go down hill. Girl, you got it within you to complete the resolution you thought about, lets make this year the one we actually complete it!

Happy new year and may the odds of you completing your resolution be ever in your favor. Hope it brings lots and lots of glitter!

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