Monday, July 21, 2014

Book Review: Maybe Someday

I have always been an avid reader. I've read every book series you can imagine, every teenage fiction book, everything...or so I thought. A friend who is just as avid a reader recommended Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover. I never thought I would read a book that would touch me in so many ways. This book made me laugh and cry and about a 100 other emotions all at the same time. The characters, the plot, everything about this book is so perfect. The next few paragraphs contain information that may ruin the book for you depending on what you may get from it, so be warned.
“Words can sometimes have a far greater effect on a heart than a kiss."
The main characters, Ridge and Sydney, share the main point of view throughout the book. Their stories alternate between chapters, which helped to show how different, and sometimes alike, their thoughts were. The characters have secrets just like any other, but Ridge's is definitely a game changer, and not in a bad way. The connection between Ridge and Sydney is unsurpassed by any other novel relationship I've ever read. There is a a very unique love triangle. I usually don't really care for love triangles, but this one really is an important factor within the plot and how it affects the characters.
"Having her so close feels as though we’ve created our own personal space and nothing from outside our world can make its way in, and nothing from inside our world can make its way out."
Unlike other books I have read, the relationship between Ridge and Sydney built day by day. It all didn't just happen at once; they didn't just kiss and fall in love. I'm not going to reveal the true ending because I would hate to spoil it for anyone that hasn't read it yet, but just know you will be blown away by this novel! It's not just an everyday teenage novel filled with sexual frustration or teen angst, it is so much more than that. These words I've written about this book truly don't do it any justice.


You can immediately sense the connection between both Ridge and Sydney, but nothing is taken seriously because Ridge has a long-term girlfriend. Hence the love triangle. Like I said, I normally don't like love triangles, but this one was really important to the novel. I typically don't side with the "other woman" when it comes to characters cheating, but Ridge and Sydney's connection is undeniable. It broke my heart because I didn't want Ridge to leave Maggie, his long-term girlfriend, since they were perfect for each other (or so I thought), but Ridge and Sydney just made more sense. It wasn't necessarily sexual either, you could practically feel the tension between them as the reader. It was crazy and I've never experienced any feeling such as that while reading a book.
"Our souls aren't just compatible–they’re perfectly attuned. I feel everything she feels. I understand everything she never even has to say. I know that what she needs is exactly what I could give her, and what she’s wishing she could give me is something I never even knew I needed."
My heart was torn between both Maggie and Sydney at first because it seemed like no one would win no matter the decision. From the outside looking in on Ridge and Maggie's relationship, Sydney was obviously a threat since she seemed to be sticking a wedge in between the two. But Ridge and Sydney's friendship and working relationship was just as beautiful. As much as you may go back and forth, you can't hate Sydney. You can't hate Ridge. You can't hate Maggie. You can only respect the decision that each one chooses. A decision that may or may not knock you off your feet.

"Nothing in my life has ever felt so good, yet hurt so achingly bad."
I learned from this book that you can't help who you fall in love with. Everything happens for a reason and though you may not put together the pieces quite yet, they will eventually fall in line. This book had some more truth behind it- like it could maybe even happen. It's not a typical chick-lit book that you see on the shelves and I will most likely compare this book to every other book I will read again. That's how life-changing it is. Don't just take my word for it, rent it, buy it, get it on your Nook TODAY!

P.S: Along with the book, the novel even has an interactive soundtrack. You can listen to the songs here:


Kelsey <3

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